Scientific Program
WPC 2026 will be the mainstay of most poultry scientific disciplines, covering all research scopes where poultry scientists, industries, stakeholders, academia, and students of all career stages come together to share ideas, knowledge, and networks. Below are topics the Scientific Program Committee will be seeking abstract submissions for. The abstract submission window opens
June 2, 2025 and closes on September 1, 2025.
Seeking Abstract Submissions For The Following Topics:
Reproduction & Breeders
Incubation technology and physiology/chick quality/early management of broilers, poults, and pullets
Meat processing technology, quality, and food safety
Egg science, quality, and processing
Environmental impact of poultry production and housing systems
Bone health and quality
Welfare and Behavior
Amino acids and protein
Vitamins & Minerals
Feed Additives
Genetics, Genomics & Epigenomics
Gut microbiome and health
General health/disease/One health
Small Scale Family Poultry Farming
Marketing, economy, consumer, ethical practice, sustainability
Waterfowl/Quails/Ostriches/Game birds/Native poultry/Heritage poultry/Wild birds
Innovation and Technology: Current trends & future (feed, processing, hatchery, waste, etc.), robotics, AI, and big data
Education/Youth programming/Extension
Submit Your Abstract
Submission Window Opens June 2, 2025